Operating status

Ropeway St. Martin
Chairlift Tarscher Alm


Hiking tours for everyone

The so-called Sun Mountain with the San Martino in Monte cable car stretches to the north of Laces, whereas shady, green Monte Tramontana with the Malga di Tarres chair lift is in the south. The barren Sun Mountain with its unique steppe-like flora awaits you with high altitude trails along the high plateau of San Martino in Monte above Laces with views of the unique Dolomites. The Sun Mountain is usually snow-free in winter and thus allows hikes through the picturesque landscape even in the cold season. Dense mountain forests and lush green meadows cover the slopes at green Monte Tramontana, which is ideal for hiking in midsummer thanks to its shady forests and small streams.

Hiking Hiking Hiking

Circular hiking trails such as the Morter-Montani irrigation channel circular trail or the hike from Laces to Morter, the lovely Töbrunn-Malga di Morter mountain hut-Burgaun circular route with start in Morter or the beautiful mountain hut hike in the Malga di Tarres and Malga di Laces hiking paradise that is easily reachable by chair lift are very popular as well. Also summiteers won’t be disappointed when conquering the Hasenohr, Hohe Dieb, Zwöferkreuz, Vermoispitze and many other peaks.

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